Emperor of Orphans - Questions
Q: What's the deal with Gombie? What the hell IS Gombie?
A: Read the history of Gombie in the Gombie section. As for what it is, it's a comic starring Super Mario World goombas in an insane plot
Q: What's the deal with eradidate?
A: eradidate is a parody of the dating show elimidate. It never got finished because I was using a bad method to create it at the time which really burned me. strip 2 of that took me 2 weeks to finish!(like I said bad method). I may still finish it someday
Q: What's the deal with Resident Comic?
A: Resident Comic is my first webcomic that I started in April 2002 just as an experiment and then turned into the actual comic. I'll still make new ones if people donate
Q: What's the deal with Emperor of Orphans? I can't tell what the hell is going on!
A:Just wait until you have the complete story before you pass judgements. Things are rarely what they seem in Emperor of Orphans
Q: Why do you update so slow? This comic would be great if you'd just update more often.
A:Sorry. I would update more often, but I have a mental condidition/disorder/handicap that prevents me
Q: What kind of mental disorder?
A:I'm not saying because this disorder is highly misrepresented in the media. Maybe someday I'll do an educational comic about it for you, but for now my lips are sealed. Just think of this disorder as instead of a writer's block or artist's block, it's an everything block with random rules. It has nothing to do with inspiration or me just not feeling like it. In fact I can be quite inspired and know exactly what to do and just be stuck.
Q: ...So you're crazy?
A:Depends on your definition. I know what's going on upstairs, but just can't do anything about it. They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. That doesn't apply to me.
Q: The comic is blurry
A:I have to make them in Flash and them convert them to bmp and it fucks them up. I'd like to run photoshop like a normal person and have sharp images, but my old 99 Compaq I'm using sucks too much to run it.
Q: Do you believe the same stuff your characters do?
A: Probably not. None of the characters are supposed to be clones of my own personality and in fact will often have very different views than I have. It'd be pretty boring otherwise. Even stuff I may say is true about religion etc in these comics isn't necessarily what I personally believe.
Q: This comic is offensive!
A: See above or if it was a joke, grow a sense of humor.
Q: I've read Gombie. Do you have something against Buddhism!?
A: Not really. I don't agree with Buddhism, but I don't have anything against buddhists. It was a dumb joke I mainly used because it was in the original. Don't worry, I'm tired of it too.
Q: How old are you?
A: I was born first quarter 1983
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